If you are into bodybuilding even a little bit, then you must have seen bodybuilders flexing their muscles and showing off. Flexing helps to contact the muscle and make the bodybuilders look more buffed. That is the reason many had this question “Does flexing build muscles or not”?

You will be surprised to know that flexing does help to build the muscle, and that is why we present this article. In this article, you will know

  • What is flexing muscles?
  • How does flexing build muscles?
  • Flexing exercises
  • And many more

We often end up thinking must-have bodybuilding exercises that will make you go through a dire straight, but it is partially true. There are easy workouts that will help you to cut fat, build strength at the initial stage of bodybuilding. So let’s go to the point straight.

What is flexing muscle?

In bodybuilding competition or many bodybuilders flex their muscles to show their muscles or see their own muscles. This is how they show off how much they gained or how big their muscles are.

In other words, muscle-flexing is contracting muscles. When someone flexes their muscles, they are creating tension to make their muscle fibers contracted to bring it together so that it is visible too. The contraction of muscle here is the flexing muscles.

How does flexing build muscles?

There are specific exercises called isometric exercises. In isometrics, you have to contract your muscle in a particular part of your body and keep it in that way while there is resistance.

The holding position of contracted muscles also strengthens the muscles even without the use of any hard instrument or weight. There is numerous research that shows instead of moving weight or using tools, we can improve our muscles by contracting them.

For example, when you are in a squat position, imagine a chair, and you are sitting on it without it. You will achieve a squatting position where your muscles are in tension. This tension will cause your muscle strengths to grow.

Benefits of flexing muscles

There are several advantages of flexing muscles or doing isometric exercises which require you to flex muscles. These advantages are

Blood pressure control: Flexing muscles helps to keep blood pressure under control without taking much effort. High blood pressure can cause a lot of damage to your health, and these can be a bit fetal. You can heart attacks or strokes for this. Regularly flexing or doing

Recovery without pain: In the traditional or conventional workout, you have to go through a lot of pain for sure. The growth of muscles will cause tears of muscle tissues, and that requires a lot of healing time. With flexing muscles, you will grow strong slowly but without pain.

Improve core stability: Isometric exercises can provide spurt to your trunk and spine. These exercises eventually improve the control over your body and balance that positively affects your core stability.

No need for instrument and space: If you are doing isometric exercises to build your muscles, then you will not need any exercise machine. As we all know that exercise machines can take a lot of space; hence flexing muscles does not require any extra room and you can do it anywhere.

How to flex muscles for strength?

It is evident that flexing muscles can make it possible to strengthen the muscles. But doing it regularly may make the process slow. Just simply flexing muscles will not work as much as flexing muscles with isometric exercises.

Specific isometric exercises best for static strength training and these exercises will surely improve your strength. Such exercises are

  • Plank
  • Low Squat
  • Split Squat
  • Wall Sit
  • Calf Raise Hold
  • Static Lunge
  • Lateral Shoulder Raise
  • And more

These are the most isometric exercises for improving strength. When you are doing isometric exercises, remember that each exercise is useful for one muscle group. It works best when you do multiple isometric exercises for an overall result.

When is flexing muscles most helpful?

There are ways and also a time when flexing muscles can be highly beneficial and also keeps your workout flow steady. You can also make a routine for muscle flexing.

  • Flexing muscles can be beneficial when your muscles are healing. Doing muscle flexing can strengthen your muscles without putting extra stress on your joints in that way you can workout without being in pain.
  • If you have a joint injury or other issues that are causing problems in your joint, then you can do the isometric exercises.
  • The isometric workout does not require a long time to go through. So keeping a short time every day can be a great idea if you want to improve your strength. Since these freehand exercises, you do not require many tools or machines as well.
  • Isometric exercises can also be beneficial to keep your blood pressure in control. So if you start to have these issues such as high blood pressure or hypertension, then you can try doing isometrics.

Some examples of Isometric exercises

Here are some useful tips for you to know how does flexing builds muscles through isometric exercises and the right way to do it. Each example will show you one specific exercise, ways to do it right.

All of this instruction is taken from experts who are experienced, and research and these experts are successful athletic trainers. You can rely on each example and start trying them at home.


Plank is one of the most common exercises. You can do your routine plank exercise anywhere, and it is an excellent workout for your core. Planks can increase the overall balance of your body and also gain strength.

  • A plank is done by resting your body on your forearm and toes. The rest of the body is balanced by abdominal muscles where your lower back can be a little clenched, and your body has to be like a straight line. It will seem like the bridge where the pressure points are your forearms and toes.
  • You can make a set of 3 to 4 plans each for 25 to 30 seconds. Do not take much pressure. You can start from 20 to 25 seconds on each plank at the beginning.

Wall sit

Wall sit is an excellent workout for the muscle of your thighs and also the muscle of your lower back. Just like planks, you do not require any tools and much space as well. You just need a wall to do it properly.

  • The first step of the wall is to put your back against a wall. Keep your feet twenty inches from the wall.
  • Place your lower back a bit lower so that you can form a 90-degree angle with your legs.
  • In one set you have to stay in that position for at least fifteen seconds and then get up.
  • Take a break of a few seconds and repeat the process. Do the whole thing four times and each time hold for 15 seconds.

Bent-over wall press

If you want to work on your chest and shoulder muscles, then the bent-over wall press can be very beneficial for you. This is another isometric exercise that does not require additional tools or room to do the session, so let’s see how it is done.

  • At first, be at lung position and stand in front of the wall facing it. Keep on foot ahead of the other one.
  • Please put your hands forcing against the wall and bend towards it.
  • Stay in that position for twenty seconds and then repeat the same process four times.
  • If you do this regularly and also add a set of upright bent-over wall press, then it can be useful for your chest muscles.

Biceps and triceps squeeze

Bicep and tricep squeeze is another common stance that you often see people doing it. Most bodybuilders do it in front of the mirror to see their muscles and growth. The ways of doing bicep squees are given below.

  • To do a perfect bicep squeeze first, you have to bend one of your arms at a 90-degree angle and keep your palm facing upwards.
  • Put pressure with the other hand to the hand you have bent ninety degrees to exsert for and stress the muscles a bit.
  • Keep the hand in the same position for 20 seconds, and go to the next hand, repeat the same method.
  • Do it 4 to 5 times on each arm.

Final Word

Here are some tips and tricks to build your muscle strength by flexing muscles. Many of us may find it troublesome to keep large machines and tools at home and would like to work on free hands. In that case, these exercises can work like magic.

Now that you know how does flexing builds muscles, you can easily try them at home and see the outcome. If you can observe good results then indeed you can suggest these forms of workout to your friends family and neighbor. I hope this information was helpful to you have a great day and good health.